Volunteer for Khmer Sight Foundation

It is killing me watching the Cambodian elders who have no eyes vision. They could not appreciate the view of the environment around them, they can not see people who they love. When volunteered for the Khmer Sight Foundation, I put my full effort to help those elders in my community to do an eye check and get better eyesight. The patients were mostly older people with age around 50-60 years old and they got cataract which causes their eyes sight to lose. For those people who have eyes cataract, we talked to them and ask them kindly to get an eye surgery to help improve their vision. But our challenge was, those old people need to work, and take care of their grandchildren, so they resisted not to go with to the hospital. When faced this problem, our team were trying to convince them in every possible way for them to change their mind. Throughout the whole morning, we had been very successful and I felt so great helping those Cambodian elders. In addition, by volunteering in this event, it helped me to wonder and do more research about the knowledge of human’s eyes. 

Khmer Class Creative Writing

In this last term before the Christmas break, we are learning how to write a poem and song. The theme of the poems should be related to the society and leave a message in the reader’s mind. 

Currently, I am working on many different topics, but the one that I really like is the poem that I wrote about teenagers that avoid school and use drugs. 

This is my poem in Khmer,



នៅក្មេងឈាមរាវព្រាវអំពើ   កាងារមិនធ្វើទៅជក់ថ្នាំ

ញ្្ញាំងឲ្យខ្សោយខ្សត់ញាណទាំងប្រាំ ​មិនផុតក្រញាំសម្នាញ់គុក។


ជក់ម្តងហើយចង់ជក់ម្តងទៀត ញុាំងអោយវីវៀតក្នុងឧរា

ចិិត្តមួយក្នុងខ្លួនចង់ប្រាថ្នា សូម្បីទេវតាក៏មិនខ្លាច។


ជក់ដល់គម្រិតប្រពិត្តខុស អារខ្លួនចង់សុសដោយសារថ្នាំ

មិនតែប៉ុណ្ណោះយើងត្រូវចាំ លឺឡើងចង់សាំ សន្លាប់ខ្លូន។


ក៏កាប់សន្លាប់រត់ព្រោងព្រាត មិនខ្វល់ពីញាតិអ្នកជិតខាង

លុយម៉ែលុយឪមានប៉ុន្មាន កូនលួចយកបានទៅទិញថ្នាំ។


បង្ហោះម៉ូតូកាប់ចាក់គ្នា   នេះជាវេលាដែលត្រូវក្ស័យ

ធ្វើអោយម៉ែពុកបារម្ភភៃ ពួកកូនចង្រៃធ្លាក់នរក។


កើតមកជាមនុស្សនឹងគេដែ ម្តេចក៏មិនប្រែប្រឺងរៀនសូត្រ

ពេលមានឧកាសផុតរបូត នៅភ្លើរហូតគេមើលងាយ


ពេលដល់ម៉ោងរៀនគេចសាលា រត់ប្រាស់អាត្មាខ្លាចគ្រូទាន់

នៅក្មេងវាងវៃមិនរស់រាន់   ដល់ពេលគ្រូទាន់អាមាសមុខ។


មើលក្នុងទូរទស្សន៏ឃើញមុខកូន ចិត្តម្តាយចង់សូន្យបាយមិនបាន

នឹកកូនខ្លាំងពេកភ្លេចថែប្រាណ លុយទាំងប៉ុន្មានយកជួយកូន។


ជក់ថ្នាំផឹកស្រាដើរលេងស្រី មិនស្តាប់សម្តីរបស់ម៉ែ

ដល់ពេលធំហួសចង់កែប្រែ ទើបដឹងថាម៉ែទៅចោលឆ្ញាយ។

Halloween Scary Story

In class today, We did a fun activity on writing Halloween scary story. In this activity, we first started with own story but with a limited time to write, and after a few minutes, we need to rotate our stories around for other friends to continue your story. It was so much fun, in the meantime, we were also being creative in writing those stories. 

This is a Wordle that I created from my story: