
Two weeks ago we were learning about the two different frictions, which are the kinetic and static friction. So last week we did a mini-lab to further our understanding of the topic. This is the data of the lab we did:


Sample data table:


Material Trial 1 angle Trial 2 angle Trial 3 angle Average angle Coefficient of static friction
Sandpaper 1 48 48 48 48 1.11
Sandpaper 2          
Sandpaper 3 50 46 47 47 and 2/3 1.1
Sandpaper 4          
Sandpaper 5          
Wood 34 31 32 32 and 2/3 0.64
Cloth 34 34 34 34 0.67


AP Statistics

Currently, in math class, we are working on AP statistics. AP statistics is a college-level curriculum and examination for high school students. I have put a lot of my time and effort to stay on top of the works that need to be done in order to get ready for the soon coming AP statistics exam.

Waste Management – Exploration

In my life I always talk about the ways that I can change Cambodia. In this exploration I have learned and know how to make change for my country while I am also earning profit from it. This exploration is really help me to realize how difficult is it to start up a business. Before we start the business we need to research and making a feasibility study. Feasibility study is the study of a start up business to know if your business will make profit or it feasible. Every businesses should do the feasibility study before they start their business because they do not need to waste time and waste their money if the business is not feasible. I was working in Economic Feasibility section in our feasibility study booklet and it is a whole new idea for me. Our team also visited a school that made our of plastic bags, car’s wheels, and threw away glass bottles. I hope that Cambodia will implement this types of school and building in our society. I really proud of all the works that I did and also the work that we did together as a team. In conclusion from our feasibility study I think our business is feasible if we want to run it in the future.     


Khmer Class – Script

In Khmer class this year, we are learning about how to write script. The script that we write should only take three to four minutes length. The script that we write can be about fact and comedy. We also can mix the script. We can make it contains a lot of facts and also funny. Our team work for two hours researched about the topic and writing the script. This is our product.


សាលាអន្តរជាតិ ឡៃហ្គ័រ

SCRIPT អំពី: ព្រៃកោងកាង

ឈ្មោះ សិស្ស : ១)​ ចាន់​​ ដាវីឌ –  ២)​ ឆ្លមសេរី និរ្តនរ – ៣) ពេជ្រ សុវណ្ណនូ


និរន្តរ : ប៉ាអើយប៉ា! ថ្ងៃនេះបា៉ នាំខ្ញុំហើយនឹងចែទៅណាទៅប៉ា?

ដាវីឌ :​ អូ កូនប្រុស! ថ្ងៃនិងហាស់ ប៉ានិងនាំកូនហើយនិងមីចែកូនឯង ទៅលេងកន្លែងមួយដែលប៉ាធានាថា ពួកកូនទាំងពីរនិង


សុវណ្ណនូ :​ អួយបា៉! ទៅណាទៅណ៎?

និរន្តរ : ​អួយចែ! ចែអែងសួរច្រើនមេ៉ស ប៉ាយើង តែគាត់ថាពិសេសគឺពិសេសហើយ! កំុសួរច្រើនពេក។

ដាវីឌ : អើ អើ!​ តោះយើងទៅ!

និរន្តរ : ប៉ា?​ អាវេងៗនោះ ហើយនៅក្នុងទឹកនិងគឺជាអ្វីទៅប៉ា?

សុវណ្ណនូ : ព្រះអើយ!​ សូម្បីតែដើមកោងកាងក៏មិនស្គាល់ដែរ?

និរន្តរ : អូ!​ ដើមកោងកាង?!​ ដើមកោងកាងនិង ជាអ្វីទៅចែ?

សុវណ្ណនូ​  :​ អាដើមនិង​នែ អាដែងនែ!​

និរន្តរ : អាក​ ចែ​អត់ដឹង​ផង! ធ្វើ ឯងឡើងឡូយ

ដាវីឌ : អើ​ អើ ចាំប៉ាប្រាប់!​​ ដើមកោងកាង គឺជាប្រភេទព្រៃស្តុកហើយព្រៃកោងកាងត្រូវបានរកឃើញនៅតាមជួរមាត់ច្រាំង

សមុទ្រនៃតំបន់ត្រូពិច និងមានភាវៈជាច្រើនកំពុងរស់នៅ និងសម្របខ្លួននឹងបរិស្ថាន ណាកូន។!

សុវណ្ណនូ : ភាវៈ!​​​​ ភាវៈនិងជាអីគេទៅប៉ា?!

ដាវីឌ : ភាវៈគឺជា អ្វីៗដែលមានជីវីតដូចជា សត្វត្រី លាស អយស្ទ័រ ហើយនិង​សត្វផ្សេងៗទៀតណាកូន!។

និរន្តរ  : អូប៉ា?!

ដាវីឌ : ហ៎!!!​ បា៉ទៅកុហកពួកកូនឯងធ្វើអី?!

សុវណ្ណនូ : ហើយប៉ា! អាព្រៃកោងកាងនិង​ មាននៅខេត្ត​ណាខ្លះប៉ា នៅប្រទេសកម្ពុជាយើង?!

ដាវីឌ :  ក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជាយើង ដើមកោងកាងត្រូវបានរកឃើញនៅឆ្នេរនៃទិសនិរតីក្នុងខេត្តកោះកុងណាកូន។

និរន្តរ  : យី ចែ!! ហើយឡើងចឹង​! ដឹងថាប៉ាកំពុងបើកឡានអត់! សួរច្រើនហើយច្រើន?

សុវណ្ណនូ : ទោះជាចែសួរប៉ាច្រើន​​ យា៉ងហោចណាស់ក៏ចែបានដឹងនិងយល់អំពី ព្រៃកោងកាងនេះច្បាស់ជាងមុនដែរ។ មិនដូចអ្នកខ្លះទេចូលចិត្តលេងតែអាហ្គេមស្អីនិងទេ គ្មានដែររៀនគ្មានដែរធ្វើស្អីទេចំាតែរអូ!!

ដាវីឌ : តោះតោះ យើងមកដល់គោលដៅហើយចុះពីលើឡ្ានទៅ ពីរអ្នកបងប្អូនឯងនិង។

សុវណ្ណនូ :​ ចុះបា៉ហេតុអីបានជាព្រៃកោងកាងរស់នៅក្នុងទឹប្រៃបានប៉ា?

ដាវីឌ​​ :​ អូ!​ កូនស្រី! ដើម្បីអាចរស់នៅក្នុងទឹកប្រៃបាន ស្លឹករបស់វាមានក្រពេញដ៏អស្ចារ្យដែលអាចបញ្ចេញចោលជាតិអំបិល ។

សុវណ្ណនូ :​ អ៎! ចឹងទេហ៎ប៉ា!!

ដាវីឌ :​ មិនត្រឹមតែប៉ុណ្ណឹងទេកូន ហើយវាក៏ដុះក្នុងដីដែលគ្មានខ្យល់ហើយមានឬសដែលស្រាល ដែលមានរន្ធញើស

សម្រាប់ដកដង្ហើម។ គ្រាប់របស់វាអាចអណ្តែត ដែលជួយឲ្យវាពង្រាយគ្រាប់លើទឹក ។

និរន្តរ  : ហើយចែ! ប្រសិនបើចែឯងចង់ដឹងច្បាស់ពីព័ត៍មានអំពីព្រៃកោងកាងនិងទៀតហាស់ នែៗ!​​ចែឯងចូលទៅកាន់គេហ:ទំព័រ

នេះទៅដែរមានឈ្មោះថា Fauna Flora International ​​គេហ:ទំព័រនោះនិងបង្រៀនចែឯងបន្ថែម​អំពីព្រៃកោងកាង។

ហើយមិនថែមទៅទៀត Fauna Flora International​​ មិនមែនមានតែគេហ:ទំព័រនោះទេតែក៏ជាប្រភេទអង្គការ


សុវណ្ណនូ :​​​ អូ!​!​ ចាំពេលទៅផ្ទះវិញចែនិងចូលមើលគេហ:ទំព័រនោះ! Fauna Flora International ហេស?

និរន្តរ  :  បាទនិងហើយ។!

សុវណ្ណនូ :​ ប៉ុន្តែប៉ាកូនមានសំណួរមួយទៀតតើព្រៃកោងកាងនិង មានសារះសំខាន់អីខ្លះ ទៅប៉ា?!

ដាវីឌ​​ :​ អើ!!​ ចំាប៉ាប្រាប់ណាកូន!​ ដើមកោងកាងគឺពិតជាសំខាន់ណាស់ ពីព្រោះវាជួយការពារសំណឹកនិងស្រូបយក

កាបូនឌីអុកសីុត។ដើមកោងកាងនិងផ្កាថ្មមានទំនាក់ទំនង៖ ផ្កាថ្មកាត់បន្ថយរលកដើម្បីការពារដើមកោងកាងតូចៗ


សុវណ្ណនូ​ : អូ!​ Wow! ដើមកោងកាងនេះពិតជាមានសារះសំខាន់សំរាប់ធម្មជាតិនិងសត្វគ្នាវា។

ដាវីឌ​ : មែនហើយកូនស្រី!​ 

និរន្តរ : តែប៉ា!?!​​​ ចុះអាប្រភេទដើមកោងកាងនិងហាប៉ា វាអាចផុតពូជឬអត់ទេប៉ា?!

ដាវីឌ​ : កូនសួរបាន​ល្អណាស់! អ្វីៗទាំងអស់ ដែរមានជីវិត​នៅលើភពផែនដីយើងនេះសុទ្ធតែអាចបាត់បង់

ទៅវិញបានណាកូន។ ពេលនេះវាអាចនៅមានជីវិតខណះដែរយើងថែរក្សាវាណាកូន​ ក៏ប៉ុន្តែប៉ាក៏ចង់ប្រាប់កូនៗថាដើម

កោងកាងនេះ ក៏អាចបាត់បង់ទៅដែរបើសិនជាមនុស្សយើងមិនថែរក្សានិងធ្វើការកាប់បំផ្លាញវាណាកូន។​​ 

 និរន្តរ : អូប៉ាមែនក៏អី?!​ ដូច្នេះពេលទៅសាលាវិញខ្ញុំនិងចែកចាយព័ត៍មានអំពីព្រៃកោងកាងនេះទៅដល់មិត្តរួមថ្នាក់ខ្ញុំហើយ


ដាវីឌ : ល្អណាស់កូន! កូនត្រូវចែកចាយបទពិសោធន៍ល្អៗដែរកូនបានរៀនហើយប្រាប់ទៅប្អូនៗជំនាន់ក្រោយអោយបានដឹង

និងបានលឺអំពីព្រៃកោងកាងនេះណាកូន។!​ គ្មានអ្វីស្រស់ស្អាតជាងបរិស្ថានធម្មជាតិទេណាកូន ដូច្នេះចូលកូនៗជំនាន់


 និរន្តរ – សុវណ្ណនួ​ : អរគុណប៉ាដែរបានប្រាប់អំពីព័ត៍មាននៃព្រៃកោងកាងនេះ។!

ដាវីឌ : ពិតជាល្អណាស់កូនៗទាំងពីររបស់ប៉ា។!



In this year, we are trying to speak English with accents. We are Cambodian, and English is our second language. Many people struggling with letter V and W. Most of Cambodian pronounce wocatioin instead of vocation. We are been practicing for about three months in our literacy class, and now we’re starting get use to it. Another letter that hard for me is the letter R. The sound of the letter R is nearly strange for Cambodian accents. There is a quote that say that “practice make perfect” but if we practice the wrong thing, it won’t make perfect, it will make habit. So we need to change how we pronounce words and practice in the right way.



Interior Design Exploration

In this round of exploration, students get a chance to create their own exploration about any thing they want to.  For my exploration in this round is Interior Design. We have six members, three girls and three boys. In this exploration is 100% students lead. We have two facilitators to help us on anything that we need. We asked our director to design a room in our school for the staff house. Most people said interior design is easy, but it’s not. We use a program called Floor Planner. First it was a bit hard to use it, but for a few days it comes along. In our jobs we divided into three segments, there are kitchen+dining room, bedrooms, and toilet. I and my partner Thiny were responsible for kitchen+dining room. What I have learned from the process of doing this exploration is when we do something, it is not step by step because sometimes we need to stop and take a look at what we have done and sometimes we might don’t like it and go back to our first or second step.


Indigenous Minority Exploration

The newest exploration for me this year is learing about indigenous minority in Cambodia. In our exploration we went on a field trip to MondoulKiri to learn more about indigenous people. In our exploration we focus on making a book to share to others. We made a book call Phnong Ingenious Minority. In our book there are five big contents, introduction, belief & ceremony, traditional livelihood, education & biography and conclusion. Our book there are two languages, English and Khmer. Take a look and read it,  you will know more about the indigenous people, especially Phnong.

Visit this website to see the book :

Elephant Knowledge





The elephant is the largest land animal in the world.In the past they went to wars and helped the warrior to fight with the enemy .The elephants are strong and big but they are gentle.The elephant are herbivores. The elephant are important for the environment and ecosystem.


In the past every king had to find at least one white elephant to improve his power . The of khmer empire the king use the elephant as their army and when their the big fight the elephant will go to fight with.For the normal fight the only one elephant will go with the commander.In the mid 11 century, king soriyak varman 2 buiding the angkor wat he use the elephant to pull the stone from kulen mountian and it easy for working with the elephant. In 12 century, king jayavarman 7 use it to build bayon he use it following king soriyak varman 2.


The elephants are the key stone species. They help keep the biodiversity  They were helping ecosystem by eating plants. They create gap in vegetation, They also allow plants to grow.They use their dung to spread seeds.They create pathway for other animal to travel or pass. They fertilizes the seeds giving new plants to grow. Some place the plant were die like savannah. If savannah doesn’t have elephant the plant die ,because no one eating big trees to control that from grow tall. Tree will block the sunlight that sending the photosynthesis to plant and the plant die.The antelope & grazer will disappear.The carnivores depend on the Antelope & grazers for food.If the antelope & grazer disappear they will very hungry and die. In the dry season the water is deep under the ground.The elephant use their tusks to dig a water hole for them and another animal to drink.The people did three thing to make the elephant away from their family. They loging the elephant in the circus or zoo.They farming (To farm it use a lot space they cut the forest to farm). They kill the elephant to get tusk for carving a sculpture.

General information

The elephants are the largest land animal in the world .They have two main groups, the african elephant and the asian elephant. The african elephant live in savannah and forest.All the elephant are herbivores they eat grasses, bark, twigs ,leaves ,fruit ,branch , large tree. They spend 18 hour a day to eat. The adult elephant eat 181.4 kg food a day. They drink 113.5-189.2 litres water a day.The trunk and tusks is use to communicating and pick up thing to eat. The female elephant pregnant for 2 years the baby that born can weigh up to 110  kilogram .

Life behaviour

The elephant lives in big herd with all age of the female elephant and young males. The female elephants live in the herd for their whole life , but the male elephant when it between 12 & 17 years old they will leave herd to live alone or in a small herd. The oldest female is called matriarch she is the leader of the elephant herd. She is the only female in the herd that have many experience, she know the geography around the herd and the ways to teach another female , that female will give her knowledge to young male elephant. She kept all the elephant safely together and protect them from getting hunger. She is the one who make all of the important decisions when they met the enemy she tell them when to charge and when to flee in the middle of endanger. She also teaches the female how to take care of their young. The elephant remember their relative forever if they alife. When the elephant is born they alway turn into a circle, flapping their ears and trumpet loudly for the birth. The female elephant has a really strong relationship that why all the elephant alway cellarbrate the birth. They turned injured calf. They kiss or wrap their trunks to show affection. They doesn’t have toy to play but they play game by throwing an object. When they die their relatives bury leaves twigs a year after death their member visit the bones+bmouth.

Physical feature


The trunk is the nose and the upper lip. It help to smell,eat,scratch, greet friend and threaten the enemy. Some time they use it to move or throw something and use it to shower or breathing when they swimming. The truck is 40,000 muscles but no bone and it talk and show feeling by that.


The elephant back teeth is the size of the bricks. If you saw the elephant you will said that it has no teeth but if the elephant open their mouth you will see it.


The tusks are the overgrown teeth. another way they use it to carry and pull bark of the tree clear pathways dig the for the roots, water. They also use it to fight against the enemies and to impress the other animal. It can growth to 3 metre long.


They fan the ears to cool down.The huge ears can hear far away,shoo the insect from biting the skin. They could show their feeling by that huge ear too!. It make them look bigger when they facing their enemies.


The skin getting the sun burnt everyday and it suffer for insect to bites to protect their skin they rolling in the mud and make a dust shower.The water trapped in wrinkles to cool down.


Their feet have thick padding. The padding softens elephants heavy tread.

Comparing species

African elephants

This elephant is 3.04m tall for both male and female.The male weight up to 5981 kg. The ears cover shoulders. The flat back with a dip in the middle.They have long tusks on both males & females.The skin is more wrinkled and brownish – grey.The flat crown of head with on dent in the middle.

Asian elephants

This elephant can be 2.4m-3.04m tall.The male can weigh up to 4989 kg. The large       ear don’t reach shoulders.They have rounded back. It is shorter Tusks only found on some male.The skin is less wrinkled grey – brown, with pink dot.

The crown of head has a dome shape with dent in the middle.


Recycle Community

Exploration name: Recycle Community


EXploration Dates: 06 October 2014– 21 November 2014


Number of students: 12


Description: Students will work closely with community to solve their waste management and how to make use from it. In class students will learn about the effect of waste to living things on the earth, and find solutions to motivate community to care more about environment. In order to achieve this goal, students will do survey in the community to see what are the real problems in the village which is near our school. Then students will do field trip to interview people from Ministry of Environment and waste collecting company names CINTRI. Students will do Community Project Based which means they will collaborate with community to separate their waste into three kind as in Organic, Recycle, and Others. Through these, community not only benefits for their environment, but also improve their living by making compost.

My House!!!

មើលនែផ្ទះខ្ញុំ​ទ្រនំខ្ពស់             ប្រក់ក្បឿងចេងឆ្លុះរំលេចពណ៌
ថ្នាំលាបរំលេចស្រស់បវរ​​​​​​           ជាងវិចិត្រករខំកែច្នៃ។
មើលម៉ូតមើលរាងដាងគយគន់​      សម្រស់សោភណ៌ទាន់សម័យ
ចិត្តប៉ងចងគួចក្នុងហឬទ័យ               ខិតខំលកលៃអោយបានស្អាត។
លើផ្ទះមានទាំគ្រឿងសង្ហារឹម          រៀបចំផូរផង់ដោយ​សង្វាត​
មានទាំងតុទូសាឡុងស្អាត​                ដាក់មានរបៀបគួរទាក់ចិត្ត។
រីឯជាន់ក្រោមមានកៅអី               មានបង់វែងខ្លីយ៉ាងប្រណិត
លើតុថូផ្កាក្រអូបពិត​                ទូរទស្សន៍ផលិតតាំងអោយមើល។